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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

New Year's in Tulsa, OK

We had a special treat for New Year's...we traveled to Tulsa, OK to meet up with sweet Caroline and David.  The kids were so excited to see their aunt and uncle!  

We met up at a pizza joint and enjoyed some yummy pizza and then ventured to a cute park 
with an awesome playground!

We got to celebrate their BABY BOY that is due very soon!  We had so much fun 
showering them with baby gifts...

The next day, we enjoyed a brunch at Cheesecake Factory and said good-bye!  Next time, we get to see them and a sweet little baby!  We are so excited!!

For the record, Uncle David is the "baby whisperer" because K and W ADORED him 
and they don't really like anyone but me and J...

Aunt Caroline was also adored by the littles!!!

The beautiful sunset on the way home...


  1. So glad you were all able to get together, great way to spend the end and beginning of a year.

  2. We loved getting to hang out with you guys!! What a fun weekend, even as short as it was! :D
